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Love and commitment: an approach to well-being among the French-Taiwanese homosexual couples
Fongming Yang  1@  
1 : Soochow University

Presentation :

This paper aims to examine a less-studied issue regarding Euro-Asian couples: how homosexuality get transformed or adjusted in migratory situation, particularly in relationship involving French citizens. Since the establishment of the Civil Union Law (Pacte civil de Solidarité) in the end of 1990s, the friendly attitude of the French society has attracted foreigners' interests. Homosexuals from other countries immigrate to France to experience a a couple life that is not recognized in their country. Some among them choose French as their partners. Using my long-term fieldwork research with French-Taiwanese gay and lesbian couples in Lyon and Paris, I want to take into account the notion of well-being in social sciences when asking the questions: do they enjoy their homosexual relationship in France? How do they to maintain their intercultural intimacy?

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