A - Interrogating public-private relations in territorial planning in Asia (1) (1 document) |
A - Interrogating public-private relations in territorial planning in Asia (2) (1 document) |
A - Land development policies and politics in Southeast Asian uplands: challenges for local implementation (1) (7 documents) |
A - Land development policies and politics in Southeast Asian uplands: challenges for local implementation (2) (1 document) |
A - Rural Landscape, Ethnic ‘Minorities’ and Processes of Touristification : Whose are Asian Highlands? (1) (1 document) |
A - Rural Landscape, Ethnic ‘Minorities’ and Processes of Touristification : Whose are Asian Highlands? (2) (1 document) |
A - The Conception, Production and Governance of Large Metropolises in East Asia’s Transitioning Developmental States (1) (7 documents) |
A - The Conception, Production and Governance of Large Metropolises in East Asia's Transitioning Developmental States (2) (1 document) |
A - The contours of the city in Asia and access to services: towards new urban configurations (1) (1 document) |
A - The contours of the city in Asia and access to services: towards new urban configurations (2) (1 document) |
A - The territories of waste collection in Hanoi: urban expansion, informal sector dynamics and actors vulnerability (5 documents) |
A - The Words of Heritage in Southeast Asia: Different and Alternative Heritage Designations and Ideas (1) (1 document) |
A - The Words of Heritage in Southeast Asia: Different and Alternative Heritage Designations and Ideas (2) (1 document) |
A - Toward environmental urbanization in China ? Three case studies from conservation to development (4 documents) |
A - “Uprooted Peasants” or Modern City-dwellers? Rural/Urban Migration and the Making of Cityscapes in India (1 document) |
B - Design: Academic Discipline and Profession (5 documents) |
B - Developing historical trauma through literature in Asia (1 document) |
B - French research on Far Eastern Musics: the current state and perspectives. (5 documents) |
B - Installation art, the tangential meeting of a visible and invisible space: Asian characteristics: The invisible space (1) (5 documents) |
B - Installation art, the tangential meeting of a visible and invisible space: Asian characteristics : The visible space (2) (5 documents) |
B - Jade, Gold and Porcelain in China: Value, Symbol and Representations (1 document) |
B - Modes of Authority and Aesthetic Conducts from South to Southeast Asia (4 documents) |
B - Neoliberalism, Globalization and Transformations in Indian Cinemas (1) (7 documents) |
B - Neoliberalism, Globalization and Transformations in Indian Cinemas (2) (1 document) |
B - Rousseau in Vietnam (1 document) |
B - The Reception of Western Artistic Practices in Modern and Contemporary Asia (1) (1 document) |
B- The Reception of Western Artistic Practices in Modern and Contemporary Asia (2) (1 document) |
B - The rules of Art. Crossed-cultural Studies of the Institutionalization of Music, from India to Central Asia (6 documents) |
B - Vietnamese Literati Encounter the World Beyond (1 document) |
C - Lawyers in China (1 document) |
C - The Reformulation of Law in China, Japan and Korea at the Age of Empires (19th-20th centuries) (1) (2 documents) |
C - The Reformulation of Law in China, Japan and Korea at the Age of Empires (19th-20th centuries) (2) (1 document) |
D - Corporate Social Responsibility in the Asian Context: Japanese and Korean Case Studies on Collaboration among the Government, Businesses, and Civil Society (1) (1 document) |
D - Corporate Social Responsibility in the Asian Context: Japanese and Korean Case Studies on Collaboration among the Government, Businesses, and Civil Society (2) (1 document) |
D - Development-Induced Displacement in India and China (4 documents) |
D - Liberalism in Between Europe and China (1 document) |
D - One Belt One Road: Towards a Pax Sinica in Eurasia? (1) (13 documents) |
D - One Belt One Road: Towards a Pax Sinica in Eurasia? (2) (1 document) |
D - One Belt One Road: Towards a Pax Sinica in Eurasia? (3) (1 document) |
D - Redefining state and market relationships in East Asia: Private interests in national agendas (5 documents) |
D - The consequences and contradictions of neoliberalism in contemporary Japanese society (1) (1 document) |
D - The consequences and contradictions of neoliberalism in contemporary Japanese society (2) (1 document) |
D - The political economy/ecology of animal labour in Asia (5 documents) |
D - Transition énergétique en Chine: Nouvelles Orientations Politiques et Economiques (TEChNOPE). Le cas de la pollution atmosphérique (1) (1 document) |
D - Transition énergétique en Chine: Nouvelles Orientations Politiques et Economiques (TEChNOPE). Le cas de la pollution atmosphérique (2) (1 document) |
E - Ancient and New Elites in Southeast Asia: Training and Legitimization (1) (1 document) |
E - Ancient and New Elites in Southeast Asia: Training and Legitimization (2) (5 documents) |
E - An Interdisciplinary Dialogue on Orienting Youth in Contemporary China: From Institutional to Individual Socialization (1) (7 documents) |
E - An Interdisciplinary Dialogue on Orienting Youth in Contemporary China: From Institutional to Individual Socialization (2) (1 document) |
E - Ancient and New Elites in Southeast Asia: Training and Legitimization (3) (1 document) |
E - Global Japan Studies in Summer Programs: Challenges and Prospects (1 document) |
E - L'enseignement supérieur en Chine, carrefour de coopérations transnationales (1 document) |
E - Within & beyond the classrooms in India (4 documents) |
F - Bachelorhood in China: strategies of mate selection, sexuality and perception of gender roles in a context of high sex ratio (7 documents) |
F - Before the Camera, Behind the Scenes: Womanhood in Contemporary Asian Cinema(s) of India, Korea, China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan (1 document) |
F - Beyond the role of daughter, wife and mother: Investigate women’s status in contemporary China (1) (8 documents) |
F - Beyond the role of daughter, wife and mother: Investigate women's status in contemporary China (2) (1 document) |
F - Careers and migratory routes of Asian women in domesticity (1 document) |
F - Dancing Girls and Courtesans: Historicizing a Fixation in South Asia (5 documents) |
F - Migration, body, sexuality and prostitution (1) (7 documents) |
F - Migration, body, sexuality and prostitution (2) (1 document) |
F - Sexuality, intimacy and medicine in Asia (1) (7 documents) |
F - Sexuality, intimacy and medicine in Asia (2) (1 document) |
F - Thinking the gender issues in India and in Nepal (1) (1 document) |
F - Thinking the gender issues in India and in Nepal (2) (1 document) |
F - Understanding prenatal and postnatal gender discrimination at its origin: a multidisciplinary analysis of son preference (2 documents) |
F - Violence against women in Asia. Analyzing intersected oppressions and questioning prevention policies (4 documents) |
G - Alternatives to the British colonial order: Some reflections on the French presence in eighteenth and nineteenth-century India (1 document) |
G - Asian modernity. The case of Vietnam in the French period (1) (1 document) |
G - Asian modernity. The case of Vietnam in the French period (2) (1 document) |
G - Bringing Japan's Lost War to the World through Oral History (4 documents) |
G - Charity and the Nation, late Qing to early Republic (4 documents) |
G - Historical Marginalization of De-Notified and Nomadic Tribes of India (1) (8 documents) |
G - Historical marginalization of Denotified and nomadic tribes of India (2) (1 document) |
G - Hubs, Flows and Networks in French Indochina. Realities, legacies and limits (XIXth-XXth c.) (5 documents) |
G - La participation de la France à la mise en place de l'Indochine maritime ou les étapes d'une construction de l'identité maritime (1 document) |
G - New multidisciplinary researches and new technologies applied to the archaeology of Central Asia (1) (7 documents) |
G - New multidisciplinary researches and new technologies applied to the archaeology of Central Asia (2) (1 document) |
G - Representing global war in colonial India: photographic image, spoken text and broadcast word (4 documents) |
G - Training colonial agents in Asia-Pacific (1830s-1930s) (1 document) |
G - Warfare and Empire-Building in Early Modern Asia, 1500-1800 (5 documents) |
H - Building a National Identity: Literature and Visual Culture in Asia (1) (5 documents) |
H - Building a National Identity: Literature and Visual Culture in Asia (2) (1 document) |
H - Living in the margins and its effects on identity (5 documents) |
H - Migration, reproduction, identity in Japan and Korea (1 document) |
H - National Identity Expressed through Katakana and Translation in contemporay Japan (5 documents) |
H - Regards croisés sur les Aïnous – Voix et voies de l'autochtonie au Japon et en Russie (XIXe-XXIe siècles) (1) (1 document) |
H - Regards croisés sur les Aïnous – Voix et voies de l'autochtonie au Japon et en Russie (XIXe-XXIe siècles) (2) (1 document) |
H - Securitisation, Insecurity and Conflict in Contemporary Xinjiang, China (1 document) |
H - Taiwan est-elle une île ? Une insularité en question dans la globalisation (1 document) |
H - Taiwan from the 1930s to the 1950s – Building Taiwanese Society (1) (7 documents) |
H - Taiwan from the 1930s to the 1950s – Building Taiwanese Society (2) (1 document) |
H - The Republic of Ngô Đình Diệm: Birth, Rituals, and Nationalism (6 documents) |
I - Asia as Method : Knowledge Production, Praxis and Academic Activism (1) (1 document) |
I - Asia as Method : Knowledge Production, Praxis and Academic Activism (2) (1 document) |
I - Conceptual Issues in Asian Context (1 document) |
I - New methodological and interdisciplinary approaches (1 document) |
I - Quantitative Data and Statistical Analysis (1 document) |
I -Research Posture and Strategies in the study of Asian communities (1 document) |
I - Traduire et introduire les sciences sociales d'Asie orientale (1) (1 document) |
I - Traduire et introduire les sciences sociales d'Asie orientale (2) (1 document) |
J - Asia-Europe intimate links: family migration, binational couples and mixed-parentage children (1) (7 documents) |
J - Asia-Europe intimate links: family migration, binational couples and mixed-parentage children (2) (1 document) |
J - Association life and collective actions of Asian migrants in France and in Belgium (1) (1 document) |
J - Association life and collective actions of Asian migrants in France and in Belgium (2) (1 document) |
J - Chinese Encounters in Southeast Asia. How People, Money, and Ideas from China Are Changing a Region (1) (1 document) |
J - Chinese Encounters in Southeast Asia. How People, Money, and Ideas from China Are Changing a Region (2) (1 document) |
J - From Labour Migration to Modern-Day Slavery: The Changing Face of Vietnamese Migrants. A Comparative Perspective from Southeast Asia to Europe (1) (6 documents) |
J - From Labour Migration to Modern-Day Slavery: The Changing Face of Vietnamese Migrants. A Comparative Perspective from Southeast Asia to Europe (2) (1 document) |
J - Migrations chinoises dans le monde : familles et générations (1) (1 document) |
J - Migrations chinoises dans le monde : familles et générations (2) (1 document) |
J - Order Beyond Borders (4 documents) |
J - The Child Migration and Its After: The Study of Transnational Adoption in South Korea (2 documents) |
J - Visibility and invisibility of migrants in the public space (1) (7 documents) |
J - Visibility and invisibility of migrants in the public space (2) (1 document) |
K - Activism, social control, and interdependences: the renewal role of the Chinese Party-State intermediary organizations (1) (6 documents) |
K - Activism, social control, and interdependences: the renewal role of the Chinese Party-State intermediary organizations (2) (1 document) |
K - Articulating institutionalized and non-institutionalized participation: experiences from East-Asian countries (1) (1 document) |
K - Articulating institutionalized and non-institutionalized participation: experiences from East-Asian countries (2) (1 document) |
K - Can Discourses produce Reality? Politics of Environment and Environment of Politcs in China (1 document) |
K - Democratic Authoritarian Leaders in Asia (5 documents) |
K - Is Prime Minister Abe Shinzō’s power revolutionizing Japan?. (6 documents) |
K - Japan according to Abe Shinzô (5 documents) |
K - Mafia Raj: Bossism in South Asia (1 document) |
K - Student Politics: Movements and Mobilization in Contemporary India (1 document) |
K - The political participation of the Chinese from China and elsewhere – Online political expression and commitment in authoritarian context (1) (7 documents) |
K - The political participation of the Chinese from China and elsewhere ? Online political expression and commitment in authoritarian context (2) (1 document) |
L - Buddhist nuns and their monastic life in Asia : historical and anthropological approaches (1) (1 document) |
L - Buddhist nuns and their monastic life in Asia : historical and anthropological approaches (2) (1 document) |
L - Changes and Continuities in the Religious Landscape of Northeast India (1) (1 document) |
L - Changes and Continuities in the Religious Landscape of Northeast India (2) (1 document) |
L - Deify to Edify: Figures-on-High and Their Role in Political and Communal Formations in Vietnam (5 documents) |
L - New Perspectives on Taoism (2 documents) |
L - Representations of the body in religious, literary and visual texts in South Asian traditions (1) (7 documents) |
L - Representations of the body in religious, literary and visual texts in South Asian traditions (2) (1 document) |
L - State of the Art of Kagyü Studies: History and Philosophy of the Karma Kagyü Lineage (1) (7 documents) |
L - State of the Art of Kagyü Studies: History and Philosophy of the Karma Kagyü Lineage (2) (1 document) |
L - Shared sacred sites in South Asia (1 document) |
L - Transnational religious movements in East Asia (1 document) |
M - Beyond the “North-South”:New territorialities between Africa and Asia (1) (2 documents) |
M - Beyond the “North-South”:New territorialities between Africa and Asia (2) (1 document) |
M - China’s rise and new social norms in ASEAN (1) (1 document) |
M - China’s rise and new social norms in ASEAN (2) (1 document) |
M - China's rise and new social norms in ASEAN (3) (1 document) |
M - China - Latin America Economic Cooperation: Creating Dynamic Complementariness (5 documents) |
M - Chinese presence in Africa and Latin America: a South-South cooperation? (1) (8 documents) |
M - Chinese presence in Africa and Latin America: a South-South cooperation? (2) (1 document) |
M - Economic Relations and Cooperation between East Asia and Latin America: perspectives in the new global context (6 documents) |
M - Narratives on the Rise of China: a Japanese and Chinese perspective (1 document) |
M - Public Health and Policy Transfer: Asia in a global perspective (1 document) |
M - Revisiting Legacies of the Sino-French Connection in Early Twentieth-Century China (5 documents) |
M - SAARC: Challenges and future (1 document) |
M - South East Asian Seas: cooperation, regional integration and security (1) (1 document) |
M - South East Asian Seas: cooperation, regional integration and security (2) (1 document) |
M - The Japan-ASEAN Strategic Partnership (1 document) |
N - China and the challenge of atypical employment relationship (4 documents) |
N - Crossing perspectives on today’s “gatherers”: medicinal plant collectors and waste pickers in developing South Asia (1 document) |
N - Digital Governance and Technological Imperialism: Some Reflections from South Asia (6 documents) |
N - Engineering India (from the 1850's onwards) (5 documents) |
N - Growth and forms of employment: a Euro-Asian comparison of uncertainty at work (1) (8 documents) |
N - Growth and forms of employment: a Euro-Asian comparison of uncertainty at work (2) (1 document) |
N - Interculturality and mobilities. The imaginary of China/Chineseness in cultural production (5 documents) |
N - Social and Economic Rights of Artists and Art Workers: A Comparative Perspective on Cultural Industries in India. (5 documents) |
N - Special issue of journal dedicated to Asia "From the Margins to the Manstream" (1 document) |
N - The changing role of skills and social networks in labour and mobility in India: Evidence from original quantitative and qualitative surveys (1) (5 documents) |
N - The changing role of skills and social networks in labour and mobility in India: Evidence from original quantitative and qualitative surveys (2) (1 document) |
N - The evolution of the socio-cultural values of the Body and sexuality in contemporary Korea (1 document) |
N - The Microsociology of Violence, Displacement and Relocation in Contemporary India: a Methodological Toolkit (1) (6 documents) |
N - The Microsociology of Violence, Displacement and Relocation in Contemporary India: a Methodological Toolkit (2) (2 documents) |
None (181 documents) |
The proposals will be regrouped into Thématic Areas in April 2017 (0 document) |
(1 document) |
(0 document) |
(1 document) |