Panels and speakers > Panel list
Description de l'atelier / Panel description Dana Rappoport, Gabriel Facal, Tiziana Leucci, Valérie Gillet
The expression of authority in the building, re-building or re-shaping of temples: the case of Kiḻaiyūr-Melappaḻuvūr in the 9th and 10th centuries in the Tamil Country / Expressions d'autorité dans la construction, la recontruction ou le réaménagement de temples : le cas de Kiḻaiyūr-Melappaḻuvūr aux IXe et Xe siècles en pays tamoul. Gillet Valerie
To represent and to perform. Performance and authority of the dancers in the martial ritual initiations of Banten, in Indonesia / Se représenter et représenter. Performance et autorité des danseurs dans les initiations martiales à Banten, en Indonésie Gabriel Facal
From a Professional Courtesans' Art into a Good Families' Girls Accomplishment : Censorship and Shifting of Authority amongst the South Indian Performing Artists. Leucci Tiziana